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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Page breaks in Visualforce PDF templates


The Visualforce page component defines a renderAs attribute that supports certain content converters. This is extremely useful when automatically printing forms, receipts, reports, etc. Often, we're asked to create nicely formatted forms that span multiple pages. If you leave the control of page breaks to the browser unexpected things can happen. This is an easy solution to solve with some basic CSS. You can use the page-break style properties to control where the browser will insert a page break. The PDF content converter will carry that over to the PDF.

Here's the basic code to demonstrate how this works. Create a new Visualforce Page called MultiPagePDF. Add the following code to the page:

<apex:page renderas="pdf">
<div style="page-break-after:always;">
This is page one
<div style="page-break-after:always;">
This should be rendered as page two
And, finally... page three

9-14-2008 4-24-54 PM This should yield something like this illustration when rendered. Some natural extensions to this posting would be to dynamically insert these into the page. Inserting <div> tags and binding the style to an APEX property could be one way to accomplish this. You would pass back a blank style in some cases and return a string with the value of "page-break-after:always" for <div> sections where a break is needed.

As a quick side note, you can get a bit more advanced with the Page formatting via CSS. The following snippet shows you have to switch the page layout to landscape and add page numbers to your Visualforce page. This was found in the Case History Timeline example.

@page {
/* Landscape orientation */

/* Put page numbers in the top right corner of each
page in the pdf document. */
@top-right {
content: "Page " counter(page);

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Access Custom Fields on Standard Objects in IDE

Kyle Freeman

I recently created a new Project in Eclipse, but was surprised to find that there was not an option to include Standard Objects in the project manifest. Upon first glance it appears that only Custom Objects can be included.

9-14-2008 2-35-21 PM

This thread by JonP discusses a workaround summarized here.

First, it is worthwhile to note that you cannot include standard fields on standard objects. However, you can include CUSTOM fields on standard objects. From your existing project in Eclipse, open the package.xml file located at src->unpackaged->package.xml Locate the Custom Object section and add a new member for each standard object you would like included in your project.

This method will include all custom fields on the standard object in your project.
For example, I was able to use the following snippet to include all custom fields on the Account, Contact, and Case objects, as well as all fields from all custom objects. Simply add the code to the package.xml file and then refresh the project from the server.








Care should be taken when pushing to production, however as including a standard object will also cause field-level security settings to be pushed to profiles in the production environment. Should your production field-level security settings be out of sync with your sandbox, you could run into some issues.

Utilizing this method can prove invaluable if you are needing to migrate a large number of custom fields and do not want to recreate these manually in production.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Complementing Visualforce - Girafa Thumbnail Service


There are so many technologies out there to complement your projects. In a previous posting I showed you how to leverage Google's Geocoding API from within your APEX classes. In this example, let's take a look at something more useful in the UI Layer.

It's pretty typical in projects with heavy Visualforce development to create a custom search form. Recently, I was working on a project where we created a custom search form for the Account object. Instead of showing the Account's logo image, we were thinking it would be a cool enhancement to display a thumbnail to the Account's website. You could use services like Amazon's Alexa Site Thumbnail Service (as shown in the APEX Language Reference). However, most of these aren't free. After some Googling, I stumbled on the Girafa Thumbnail Service, which offers a free service to those who use less than 2000 images requests per day (200 request per day at the time of this writing. Please check girafa for updated daily limits).

Let's get started. Create a Visualforce page called GirafaThumbnail and a controller called GirafaThumbnailController. In your controller add the following APEX Property.

public string GirafaUrl
if (GirafaUrl == null)
string algorithmName = 'MD5';
string signatureKey = 'your signature key here';
string clientId = 'your client id here';
string siteUrl = '';
string inputString = signatureKey + siteUrl;
Blob myDigest = Crypto.generateDigest(algorithmName, Blob.valueOf(inputString));
string myDigestString = EncodingUtil.ConvertToHex(myDigest);
integer myStartingPosition = myDigestString.length() - 16;
integer myEndingPosition = myDigestString.length();
string mySubString = myDigestString.substring(myStartingPosition, myEndingPosition);
string myUrl = '' + clientId + '&s=' + mySubString + '&r=' + siteUrl;
return myUrl;
return GirafaUrl;

Let's break this down by first understanding how girafa thumbnail service works. There are a few basic steps to generating the URL for your thumbnail. Girafa's thumbnail images are embedded using the <img> tag. The call is formatted as follows:<client ID>&s=<signature>&r=<site URL>

client ID is your Girafa Client ID. It is supplied when you register your account. The site URL is the URL of the website for which you would like to generate a Thumbnail. In our example

The signature authenticates your request and is generates using the following steps:

1) Concatenate your secrete key (chosen when you create your account) and the Site URL

2) Calculate the MD5 Checksum of the concatenated string.

3) The signature is the 16 least significant hexadecimal digits of the MD5 checksum.

In our method we set the variables we'll need to generate the Image call then we use the Crypto class' generateDigest() method to calculate the MD5 checksum of our concatenated string. Some basic string manipulation returns the 16 character substring and we put our URL together to return to our caller.

In your Visualforce page add an image tag to see the results. Bind the src attribute of the <img> to our APEX Property. <img src="{!GirafaUrl}"></img>. You should see something along the lines of the following illustration.

9-14-2008 5-52-59 PM

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Escaping Quotes in Merge Fields

Glenn Weinstein

S-controls, button on-click Javascript, and Visualforce pages can contain merge fields, which SFDC replaces with their record values prior to rendering. But this is a straight replacement, without any opportunity to escape characters. This leads to messy results when a merge field contains a double-quote character.

For example, consider using this merge field in on-click Javascript:

project.Name = "{!Opportunity.Name}";

That would work great, but consider what happens if the opportunity is named Acme "World Peace" Project (with the double quotes). SFDC will render the code as:

project.Name = "Acme "World Peace" Project";

Okay, now you have a huge mess. This will break the Javascript. A very clever workaround for this was created by an Appirio colleague of mine, Linda Evans. Here it is:

Step 1: Wrap the value in a hidden textarea.
Step 2: Retrieve the value by traversing the DOM.

So in our example above, first, you'd drop this HTML element into your page:

<textarea id="opportunityName" style="display:none">{!Opportunity.Name}</textarea>

Then, inside a <script> element, you'd retrieve the value:

project.Name = document.getElementById("opportunityName").value;

I told you this was clever - thanks Linda!

One final note, this won't work (directly) in a button on-click Javascript, since you can't put HTML elements in them (the entire body is considered a <script>). So you'll have to move your code into an s-control, and then tie your button instead to the s-control.